I am Year 5 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 1 and my teachers are Mr Ogilvie and Mr Wong.
Monday, 14 December 2015
Stained Glass Window Angel
This is my Stained Glass Window Angel. I used an overhead transparency, felt tip pens, tin foil, cardboard and sellotape to make my window. It looks great against the window.
Friday, 11 December 2015
Thinking groups 12 days of Christmas
This is my Thinking groups task and this is what i'v done we had to feger out a promblem but It was a Christmas problem.
ven diagram 4 circle
Today I have been learning to create a ven diagram on countries that celebrate Christmas.
Christmas around the world
this is my Christmas around the world task and this is wjat I'v done.
Friday, 4 December 2015
This is My XtraMath Results so this is whati'v done I got 18 right, 0 ticks and 21 wrong. I need to work on my 8,9,7,6.
Thursday, 3 December 2015
This is my XtraMath Results and this is what i'v done. I got 20 right and 3 ticks and 17 wrong. and i need to work on my 9's8's7's. Somtimes my 6's.
Revising writing
yesterday and today I have been working with shailah.we had to read over a sample pice of writing.
On Saturday I was at my Papa's, Aunts, and Uncles, house getting ready for halloween. When I saw my Papa he was dressed up as a zombie he was really spooky. I was dressed up as a purple bat,. when I was ready I looked a bit spooky.I was ready for halloween
Me and my Papa were going around the houses asking for lollies.
I went to a house that was very black and very spooky my Papa got scared I told him don’t worry It's just a house full of declaration.There were spiderwebs and bats and witches declarations I knocked on the door and out came a freaky ghost man and a lady gave us happy treats I said to them next I went down to another house that wasn't spooky as it was cool going trick or treating we had a good time. knocked on the door and out came a black witch the lady gave us chocolate and chocolate
candy pumpkins.
When we stopped at Kings road we saw my friend Zahra and her Dad and her Baby. They were going trick or treat treating for yummy treats. me and my Papa were walking to Zara we asked could we come with you to
get yummy treats they said yes when we stopped down at the Cafe we had
a hot chocolate and a strawberry cupcake than we went back down to coates cress to go to other houses for trick or treating
When we saw another house that was even scarier.I said happy trinkle treat and out came a spider he gave us lollies and chocolate it was fun at halloween. It was time to go home I said bye to my friend Zara and went home to eat all the goodies.
Wednesday, 2 December 2015
Wednesday, 25 November 2015
Tuesday, 24 November 2015
Wedges Exeriment
Wedges Experiment
To find out which teeth are used for biting and chewing foods
foods. why do we use certain teeth for biting and chewing.
I think my front teeth will be use to bite the bread
I think I chew the bread
when I It the bread
Results I chew my bread with my Molars and Premolars and when
This is My Wedges Exeriment and this is what I'v done
Monday, 23 November 2015
Friday, 20 November 2015
Thursday, 19 November 2015
Wednesday, 18 November 2015
Thinking groups
This is my Thinking groups Task and this is what i'v done I had to solve problems and i had to solve two today I had to solve six rows two luttuce and two rows of ten.
Thursday, 12 November 2015
Wednesday, 11 November 2015
Writing a recount
Beginning - this includes your hook. Start your recount with an exciting beginning that captures your audience interest levels
Yay we are going to go to Napier, it was a long ride. We stopped at the Waka falls and looked at all of the people looking for prawns. Then we had to go through the Gorge to get Hawke's Bay. Then we had to go through Hastings and then we arrived at Napier. First I plugged my
XBox into the TV and the first game I played was Counter strike.
Ensure your recount covers the orientation: When, Where, Who, What, Why and How
Set your recount out in a clear logical order and in paragraphs
Write in the past tense
Use lots of adjectives - (describing words) personal thoughts and feelings
Language Features such as similes, metaphors, onomatopoeia
Use connectives
I went to go watch some tv for 5 minutes. Then my Mum said “Do you want to come for a ride?” I said “Okay let's go”. We went to Video ezy to get some games, but there were no Xbox games in there. We went to United Video and there were only 6 games there, so me and my brother had to pick 2 games each. I got this ninja game and Shark Tale. My brother got a rugby game and Redick. We went to the supermarket and bought some drinks. My big brother made us something to eat for dinner. Then we had to go to sleep and when it was day time I went into my mums room. She was still asleep. We had 3 days at my kokos house, so me and my family went for a big ride down to see my my great great grandma. She was so old, we had to be so nice to her and be very very quiet. Me and my big brother Jacob went inside to see my Grandpa. We said hi
Sums up how you felt about the experience.
and we hung out with them. It was so great so see my grandma and my grandpa. Then we went to go to see my cousins, my uncles and my Auntie. My cousin had a dog called CJ. After this we went to got to see my nephews. When we got there I went straight to the Playstation. I played force at the back yard. It was this shooting game and there were zombies in the backyard. We had to shoot all of the zombies before they reached the house.
Monday, 9 November 2015
This is My XtraMath Results and this is what I'v done I got 12 wrong and 7 ticks and 24 I need to work on my 9's8,s6's and 7's
Friday, 6 November 2015
This is my XtraMath and this is what i'v done I got 14 right and 5 wrong and 14 ticks
and I need to work on my 8's 9's
Hallowen day
Yaaaaaa But when we got outside it was so scary and I said Help because it was so scary and it was so dark and a thort there were spirits everywhere. Me and my sister got heaps of treats but my sister went in the shop and when she came out. I was behind a bush and I went rorororo and she was so scared she fall over. I couldn't stop laughing. So we went to this house it was full of creatures it was like scary islands but I knock on the door and she was a zombie. I was so scared It was like a real zombie even my brother was scared but i knew it wasn't real but she gave us heaps of chocolates and marshmallows. The marshmallows taste like eating a cloud full of bubbles. I dress up as a vampire my brother was dress up as a minion and my sister was dress up as frankenstein. My Auntie drop me off at glendeven and then we got mega lots of treats that day might of been my best day of my life because we got treats we were walking until we saw this double decker house it had spider webs on there house and there were scorpions on top and witches inside so me and my cousin david went up and we knock on the door and a girl and a boy came to the door and they were dress up as a chucky and the boy was dress up as a skeleton the skeleton wasn't that scary. Chucky was a bit scary because he had scars and he had a face knife at his neck he gaves a snickers each and candy bars.
Today I have been learning to write a recout on hallowen day and this is what i'v done.
Today I have been learning to write a recout on hallowen day and this is what i'v done.
Wednesday, 4 November 2015
Multiplcation array
Uderstading the x symbol
Thinking groups
This is my Thinking groups problem. This is about sums. We had to answer this problem
Tuesday, 3 November 2015
XtraMath Results
This is My XtraMath and this is what i'v done I got 14 smile faces and 11 wrong and 7 ticks and I need to work on my 6,5,7,'s
Thursday, 29 October 2015
writing a recount
Monday October 19
Yay we are going to go to Napier. It was a long ride we stopped at the waka falls and looked at the at all of the people looking for prones and then we had to go through the gorge to get Hawke's bay and and then we had to go through Hastings and then we arrived at Napier. First I plugged my xbox in the tv and the played first game. I played was Counter strike and then I went to go watch some tv for 5 minutes and then my mum said do you want to come for a ride? And I said yes were to. We went to the video ezy to get some games but there was no xbox games there but we went to united video And there was only 6 games there so me and my brother had to pick 2 games each so I got This ninja game And shark tale and my brother got a rugby game and Redick and then we went to the supermarket and bought some drinks. And my big brother made us something to eat that was dinner. Then we had to go to sleep and when it was day time I went into my mums room but she was still asleep we had 3 days at my kokos house so me and my family went for a big ride down to see my my great great grandma she was so old we had to be so nice to her and be very very quiet so me and my big brother jacob went inside to see my grandpa we said hi and we hanged them and we was so so nice it was so great so see my grandma and my grandpa and then we went to go saw cousins and my uncles and my Auntie and my cousins dog called Cj and then we and then we went to got see my nephews and when we got there I went straight to the playstation and I played force at the back yard it this shooting game and there zombies at at the back yard and we have to shoot thall of the zombies before they reach the house.
Wednesday, 28 October 2015
levers poster
today I have been learning about levers and I have been writing about levers what the can do and what there are used for.
This is my xtramath results and this is what i'v done 14 right and 6 rong and none of the smile faces. I need to work on my 8's and my 6's and my 9's.
Friday, 23 October 2015
XtraMath Results
This is my XtraMath results and this is what i'v done i got 9 right and 9 wrong and 10 ticks. I need t work on my 7's and my 9's and my 5's.
Wednesday, 21 October 2015
Thinking groups
Today we have been learning to Solve this problem. We were choosen to Solve a problem.
Monday, 19 October 2015
writing a recount
Monday october 19
Yay we get to go to Napier It was a long ride we stopped at the waka falls and looked at the at all of the people looking for prones and then we had to go through the gorge to get Hawke's bay and and then we had to go through hastings and then we arrived at Napier and First I plugged my xbox in the tv and the first game I played was Counter strike and then I went to go watch some tv for 5 minutes and then my mum said do you want to come for a ride And I said yes were to. We went to the video ezy to get some games but there was no xbox games there but we went to united video And there was only 6 games there so me and my brother had to pick 2 games each so I got This ninja game And shark tale and my brother got a rugby game and Redick and then we went to the supermarket and burt some drinks And my big brother made us something to eat that was dinner. Then we had to go to sleep and when it was day time I went into my mums room but she was still asleep but when mum work up we had to get when we were ready we went home it took 6 hours to get back the end.
This is my recount about going to Napier.
XtraMath results
This is my XtraMath Results and this is what I'v done 4 smiles, 5 wrong, 16 ticks, I need to work on my 7's and my 6's
Friday, 16 October 2015
Thursday, 15 October 2015
Recount Writing
Today I have been learning about writing a oirentaion and a hook. A hook is when you have a fun beggining. A oirentaion is when you use these words: What, When, How, Who, Why and Where.
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
Thinking Groups
This is our Thinking groups task and this is our way of solving this problem by Aiden,Joshua,Najib
Monday, 12 October 2015
Art: still life reflection
- What are you most pleased with? Why / why not?
I'm most pleased with how my background looks and how my fruit look.
2. What did you learn from creating your still life painting? I learnt how to blend my colours and painting within the lines.
Think about sketching, shape, size, balance, painting-blending of colours, painting within the lines
3. What did you find easy? I find stamping easy and shaping the fruit.
Think about sketching, shape, size, balance, painting-blending of colours, painting within the lines
4. What did you find difficult? The sketching was hard and blending the colours.
Think about sketching, shape, size, balance, painting-blending of colours, painting within the lines
5. Who did helped you with your still life painting?
Miss Paton
6. What would you change? why / why not? I would change nothing because I like it how it is and there is nothing wrong with it.
Think about sketching, shape, size, balance, painting-blending of colours, painting within the lines
7. What would you do to improve your still life painting next time? Blending my colours in properly next time.
Friday, 25 September 2015
DLO pack and save trip
This is my DLO on the sumpermaket trip we had to cheack the how much sugar and fat and sodium.
Wednesday, 9 September 2015
Exploring Capital letters
This is my Exploring Capital letters And this is what I'v got.
Tuesday, 8 September 2015
Friday, 4 September 2015
Wednesday, 2 September 2015
Wednesday, 26 August 2015
Wednesday, 19 August 2015
The amount of fat in our packaged foods
Today we have been learning to make a chart And the most fat was the lindor chocolate and the cranberry had the least amount of fat and the Coca Cola had the most amount of sugar in the Coca Cola
Tuesday, 18 August 2015
Monday, 17 August 2015
Thursday, 13 August 2015
Tuesday, 11 August 2015
Exploring Capital letters
Today I have been learning how to write a Example and Highlight the Capital letters thats been needed.
Wednesday, 5 August 2015
number Houses understanding digit ordres
Today I have bin learning to orders of numbers frome on e tens hundreds thousands tens of thousands and hundred of thousands.
place value using 2 digit numbers
Today I was givin a number . I was givin a number using tens and ones blocks and I had to express the number as an equation. I also had to write the number in words.
place values
Friday, 31 July 2015
XtraMath Results
This term I have been learning how to do my XtraMath and this is what i'v done 17 ticks and 3 rong and no smilies and i need to work on 7 pluses.
Thursday, 30 July 2015
Reversing sentenses
Miss Paton’s copy
Miss Paton has a cat. named is Oscar. He is a tabby cat. Oscar can be a pain in the neck. He likes to sniff my rubbish bin. He always come to my house wanting food. Oscar likes to fall asleep on my couch. He does not like my laptop computer. He would rather sit on my lap. Oscar would like me to give him the attention.
My copy
Miss Paton has a cat thats called Oscar. He is a tabby cat. Oscar can be a pain. He really like to sniff rubbish. He always come to my house starving. Oscar likes to what's He disappointed with Miss Paton laptop computer. He would rather sit on my lap. Oscar like me to give him the attention.
Today I have been learning about the word DRAFT . DRAFT is like an acrostic poem. Each letter of this word means something in writing . Today we have been focusing on the D. D stands of Delete In class Miss Paton shared with us a piece of writing in wicth we had to delete take out words and change sentenses
Monday, 27 July 2015
Friday, 24 July 2015
Thursday, 2 July 2015
My XtraMath results
This is my XtraMath results and this is what 'v done i have got 4 right and 1 rong and 17 ticks
And I only need to work on my nine pluses.
And I only need to work on my nine pluses.
Wednesday, 1 July 2015
My XtraMath results
This is my XtraMath and this is what i'v done I have got 2 rong and 2 times and 13 ticks
and none smiles
and none smiles
Tuesday, 30 June 2015
Monday, 29 June 2015
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